Thursday - April 22, 2010

Infantry:Panzer Grenadiers

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Panzer Grenadiers
Image:unit_pnze_panzer_grenadier.png Squad Size 3 Capture Rate 0.75 Sup Threshold 0.2
Health 165 Sight 35 Pin Threshold 0.65
Cost 255 Detection 7/0 Recovery Rate 0.007
Hotkey: G Population 3
Time 25.5 Retreat Modifier 0.5 Target Type infantry_soldier
Upkeep 6.0048 Reinforce Cost 0.53 Critical Type infantry
Squad Slots 5 Reinforce Time 1

   Panzer Grenadiers Veterancy



  • On maps where munitions are plentiful, it is often wise to train Panzer Grenadier squads and then upgrade them with a weapon, rather than spending the extra manpower to train a heavy infantry squad that comes with the weapon. This basically allows you to trade save manpower at the expense of munitions.

For example, instead of training a squad of Assault Grenadiers for 360 manpower, a squad of Panzer Grenadiers could be trained for 255 manpower, and then for 75 munitions, upgraded with an MP44. Two squads of Assault Grenadiers would cost 720 manpower. Three squads of Panzer Grenadiers, upgraded with MP44s, would cost 765 manpower and 225 munitions. Thus, three squads are trained instead of only two, for approximately the same manpower cost. With an abundance of munitions this strategy is most effective; however, if munitions are scarce and manpower is plentiful, the heavy infantry squads may be a better idea.

  • Panzer Grenadiers with the Gewehr 43 upgrade (No prerequisites needed) are deadly in a building, and will seem to survive there for a very long time. Therefore, Panzer Grenadiers can take a role similar to the entrenched Tommy. In chokepoint intensive maps such as Gilroy's Harbour, capture the chokepoint and put your Panzer Grenadiers in a building close to it to guard the point. Luckily, to Panzer Elite players, Panzer Grenadiers are cheap to produce, hence the PG spamming seen in many a game (Similar to the Wehrmacht's MG42 spam).


Panzergrenadiers were the infantry assigned to Panzer and Panzergrenadier divisions, and were the bulk of the fighting force in those formations. Transported either in trucks or SdKfz 251/1 halftracks, the role of the Panzergrenadier was to support the tanks when in offense, or defend the ground secured by the tanks. Their squads were armed with twice as many MG34 or MG42 light machine-guns than the regular Grenadiers, and their support weapons were nearly all towed or mounted in vehicles.

The Panzergrenadiers in Company of Heroes appear to be from the Panzeraufklärungsabteilung (Mechanized Reconnaissance Battalion) of a Panzer or Panzergrenadier division, due to the SdKfz 250 light half-tracks they are using, and the reference to "Spähtrupp" in their speech (Spähtrupp means scout patrol).

Built From

   Panzer Elite Headquarters


Can Construct

   Logistik Kompanie


   Kampfgruppe Kompanie


   Panzer-Jager Kommand


   Panzer-Support Kommand


Doctrinal Abilities

   Road Blocks


   Scorched Earth


   Booby Trap Building


   Booby Traps


   Tank Awareness


   Teller Mines


   Double Infantry AT Efforts


Squad Abilities



   Suppressive Volley Fire


   Throw Anti Tank Grenade


   Throw Incendiary Grenade


   Advanced Repair




Squad Upgrades

   Field Craft


   Gewehr 43 Package


   Increase Squad Sizes


   Advanced Repair


   Anti Tank Grenades


   Incendiary Grenades


   Group Zeal


   Veteran Sergeant


   Panzer Elite MP44


   Panzer Elite Panzerschreck


Squad Weapons

   Panzer Elite Kar98K


   Gewehr 43 Rifle


   MP44 Assault Rifle


   Panzer Elite Panzerschreck


   Incendiary Grenade


   Anti Tank Grenade


   Booby Trap


   Teller Mine
