From CoH-Stats
Panzer IV
| Health
| 600
| Max Speed
| 5
| Sight
| 35
| 410 70
| Acceleration
| 1.2
| Detection
| 0/0
| 55
| Deceleration
| 3
Hotkey: Z
| Population
| 8
| Rotation
| 35
| Target Type
| armour_panzer
| Upkeep
| 10.752
| Crush Human
| true
| Critical Type
| armour
| Crush Mode
| crush_medium
| Rear Damage Enabled
| true
| [Expand][Hide]
| Received Damage
| 0.85
| MG42 Gunner Add-on
| Panzer IV Armored Skirts Add-on
- The Panzer IV is a good all-round tank capable of taking on most Allied armour and infantry.
- Kite enemy infantry in order to avoid better enemy infantry AT accuracy against the PIV.
- Veterancy gives the Panzer IV a big increase in usefulness against Infantry. Its increased armour plates makes it less vulnerable to light AT like Bazookas and the added MG on top is more effective than the hull-MG. Vet3 PIVs are a good alternative to Ostwinds.
What started as an infantry support tank at the beginning of the war, with the early Panzer IV models, soon was up-armored and up-armed to an effective medium tank. The Panzer IV G and H tanks were effective and reliable, capable of defeating other medium tanks at range, and well-suited to any armored battle. It's 7.5cm KwK40 was better than the US and British 75mm guns on their Shermans and Cromwells, and it was not plagued with mechanical break-downs like the Panther. Its chassis was used as the basis for other vehicles, like the Wirbelwind, Ostwind, and StuG IV.
The Panzer IV in Company of Heroes is a late G or H model, though H models always left the factory with spaced armored skirts to protect the running gear and turret sides from anti-tank rifles.
Built From
| [Expand][Hide]
| Health
| 775
| Target Type
| building
| 260 50
| Critical Type
| building
| 165
Hotkey: P
| Effects: Deploys the most powerful Units in the Axis Army. Panther tanks, Panzer IV tanks, Ostwind Flak tanks, and Knights Cross Holders. — See Structure:Panzer Command for details.
Doctrinal Abilities
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 150
| Activation
| timed
| 30
| Target
| tp_any
| 60
| Effects: All Tanks and Armored Vehicles move more quickly, crush everything in their path, and fire more frequently. Infantry sprint to keep pace. — See Ability:Blitzkrieg for details.
Vehicle Abilities
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| Activation
| always_on
| _
| Target
| tp_any
| 0
| Effects: $0 no key — See Ability:Vehicle Cover for details.
Vehicle Weapons