From CoH-Stats
Mortar Halftrack
| Health
| 285
| Max Speed
| 6.5
| Sight
| 35
| 240 40
| Acceleration
| 4.5
| Detection
| 0/0
| 44.99
| Deceleration
| 3
Hotkey: M
| Population
| 4
| Rotation
| 50
| Target Type
| vehicle_22x
| Upkeep
| 4.032
| Crush Human
| Critical Type
| vehicle_halftrack
| Crush Mode
| Rear Damage Enabled
| false
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| Received Damage Received Accuracy Maximum Speed Maximum Health
| 0.9 0.9 1.15 1.15
| Accuracy Reload Cooldown Penetration
| 1.15 0.9 0.9 1.15
| 16 Vet-Exp
| Received Damage Received Accuracy Maximum Speed Maximum Health
| 0.95 0.95 1.05 1.15
| Accuracy Reload Cooldown Penetration
| 1.15 0.9 0.9 1.15
| 22 Vet-Exp
| Received Damage Received Accuracy Maximum Speed Maximum Health
| 0.95 0.95 1.05 1.15
| Accuracy Reload Cooldown Penetration
| 1.15 0.9 0.9 1.15
| 38 Vet-Exp
- The Mortar Halftrack is a good early unit when fighting the British. Use the incendiary rounds to quickly destroy trenches and early emplacements without jeopardizing your troops.
- The Mortar Halftrack is the bane of the British early game, as their swift speed allows them to attack a target from all available angles. Although a beginning player may not (or cannot) do this, once you've mastered your gameplay (micro and macro) to pwndom, you can dance a group of Mortar Halftracks around your enemy and advance up the tech tree at the same time, leading to your endgame army, and zero Mortar Halftrack casualties.
The SdKfz 250/7 was a variant of the SdKfz 250 series of light halftracks. It was intended to be the transport for an 8cm GrW34 mortar team in the heavy platoon of a Panzeraufklärungs company (Mechanized Reconnaissance). The team could also fire the mortar from within the halftrack, providing them extra protection and mobility. Up to two of these halftracks were provided per Panzeraufklärungs company.
Built From
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| Health
| 1000
| Target Type
| building
| 220 20
| Critical Type
| building
| 115
Hotkey: K
| Effects: Makes available the Infantry Halftrack, Mortar Halftrack, and Tank Buster Squads. Available upgrades can increase territory capture rate of Infantry squads and improve their repair skills. — See Structure:Kampfgruppe Kompanie for details.
Vehicle Abilities
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| Activation
| targeted
| _
| Target
| tp_entity_and_position
| 30
Hotkey: B
| Effects: Several high-angle 81mm Mortar Rounds will be fired into the targeted area. — See Ability:81mm Mortar Halftrack Bombardment for details.
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| Cost
| 35
| Activation
| targeted
| _
| Target
| tp_entity_and_position
| 120
Hotkey: N
| Effects: Incendiary rounds fired into the targeted area will burn any entrenched infantry and damage structures. — See Ability:Incendiary Mortar Round for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| Activation
| always_on
| _
| Target
| tp_any
| 0
| Effects: $0 no key — See Ability:Vehicle Cover for details.
Vehicle Weapons