Monday - April 20, 2009

Vehicle:Airborne 57mm Anti Tank Gun

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Airborne 57mm Anti Tank Gun
Image:vehicle_allied_57mm_towed_gun.png Health 300 Crew Size 3 Sight 45
Cost image:Manpower.png317.5 Crew Health 70 Detection 0/0
Time 67 Crew Cover Heavy
Hotkey: ? Population 3 Crew Target Type infantry_airborne Target Type towed_gun
Upkeep 10.368

   Airborne 57mm Anti Tank Gun Veterancy



  • Place them behind sandbags and use an HMG team to back these up. The only thing that can get through such a defense is an artillery strike, massive tank spam, or a Panzer Elite infantry halftrack.
  • If Munition permit, Try to time your AP round as soon as your AT gun deliver the first shot.
  • If your face with a Tank encircling your AT tank, you can predict your enemy tank course and deploy it just before it arrive the predicted course.
  • You can repair manned AT gun like tanks. So whenever you recapture or have damage AT gun ,always get your engineer to repair AT gun. They can last longer in the battlefield.
  • You can reinforce your AT gun like infantry squads from either a building(HQ, FHQ and etc) or a half track. The airborne 57mm AT gun can be reinforce anywhere unlike the normal type.
  • If your expected to face heavy armor always keep a minimum of 3 AT gun to withhold the Tank advances.
  • If your enemy has some sort of artillery weapon( mortar, walking stuka and etc. When you engage your enemy do not leave your AT gun there. Move it to another position as it wont be long until your enemy would call for a bombardment.


First built and operated by the British. It wasn't until spring 1943, following the experience of the North African Campaign, the Infantry branch of the U.S. Army recognized the need to field a heavier antitank gun than the 37 mm M3. According to the Table of Organization and equipment from 26 May 1943, a regimental antitank company included nine 57 mm guns and each battalion had an antitank platoon with three guns giving a total of 18 guns per regiment. Dodge WC-62 / WC-63 6x6 1 1/2 ton trucks were issued as prime movers. By mid-1944 the M1 was the standard antitank gun of the U.S. infantry in the Western Front and outnumbered the M3 in Italy.

Because of the unexpected adoption for service, the only ammunition type in production in the U.S. by mid-1943 was the AP ammunition. Only after the Normandy Campaign did the HE round reach battlefield (U.S. units were sometimes able to get a limited amount of HE ammunition from the British Army), and the canister shot was not seen in significant numbers until the end of the war. This limited the efficiency of the gun in the infantry support role. Also, APCR or APDS rounds were never developed.

The U.S. Army also employed a limited number of British-built 6-ponders on carriage Mk 3, designed to fit into the Horsa glider. These guns were used to replace 37 mm pieces in the 82nd and the 101st airborne divisions before the Normandy airdrops.

The M1 went out of service in the U.S. soon after the end of the war.

Called In Using

   Airdrop M1 57mm Anti Tank Gun


Company Abilities

   Field Repairs


Vehicle Abilities

   Vehicle Cover


   Armor Piercing Shells


Vehicle Weapons

   57mm AT Gun
