Sunday - April 19, 2009

Info:Weapon Statistics

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Weapon Statistics


The damage each round or bullet will do.


The range of the weapon, long(L), medium(M) and short(S).


The accuracy for each bullet at different distances.


Reload occures at the end of each firing cycle.

Reload Multiplier

Multiplier that increases or decreses the reload time for different ranges.


The delay between bursts or rounds.

Cooldown Multiplier

Multiplier that increases or decreses the cooldown time for different ranges.

Wind Up

Delay just before firing a shot or burst, usually associated with an animation.

It can be combined with cooldown, but it is not affected by the cooldown multipliaer.

Wind Down

Delay after a burst or rounds has been fired, usually associated with an animation.

It can be combined with cooldown, but it is not affected by the cooldown multipliaer.

Setup Time

Time required to set up the weapon before it can be fired.

Burst Duration

Burst duration only apply to MG type weapons. It's the duration which the weapon will fire continuously.

Rate of Fire

Number of Bullets PER SECOND. Burst type weapons only.

Reload Frequency

Determines the number of bursts or rounds that needs to be fired before starting to reload. The actual clip size is Reload Frequency + 1.

Moving Accuracy

This accuracy bonus or penalty is applied when the unit using this weapon is moving.

Moving Burst

This burst bonus or penalty is applied when the unit using this weapon is moving.

Moving Cooldown

This cooldown bonus or penalty is applied when the unit using this weapon is moving.

Acc. Incremental

See Info:Accuracy Increment for a more detailed explaniation and data.

Search Radius

See Info:Accuracy Increment for a more detailed explaniation and data.

Fire Aim Time

Delay before each shot, this excludes the first shot.

Aim Multiplier

Multiplier that increases or decreses the fire aim time for different ranges.

Ready Aim Time

Delay before the first shot, as long as you do not change targets it will only count once per session.

Post Firing Aim Time

The duration which weapon stays in aimed animation after battle, for tanks its the duration which the turret locks after battle.

Post Firing Cooldown

Functions unknown


Penetration is the chance to do full damage. This is the base value

Deflection Multiplier

The multiplier that is applied to damage for any defelected shorts (unpenetrated).


Weapon's suppression strength. More information about suppression can be found at Info:Suppression.

Nearby Supp. Multiplier

Nearby Suppression Multiplier doest not affect the targeted unit, only units around it.

Nearby Supp. Radius

Nearby Suppression Radius is the radius of the suppression area of effect.

Vs. Supp. Targets

A special group of multipliers that is applied when shooting suppressed targets. Multipliers for vs. Pinned units are not listed.

Scatter Angle

Degree of scatter. See Info:Scatter for more information.

Scatter Max

Maximum scatter distance. See Info:Scatter for more information.

Scatter Offset

Complicated. See Info:Scatter for more information.

Scatter Ratio

Similar to Scatter Max. See Info:Scatter for more information.

FoW Angle Mult.

Angle Scatter Multiplier for when firing into the Fog of War.

Distance Mult.

Scatter Distance Multiplier for when firing into the Fog of War.

AOE Distance

Area of effects distance, the area of effect is almost always circular.

AOE Accuracy

Area of effect accuracy for different AOE distances, this value is usually above 1.

AOE Damage

Area of effect damage based on different AOE distances. The first value is vs. enemy units, the second value is for friendly fire.

AOE Penetration

Area of effect penetration based on different AOE distances.

AOE Suppression

Area of effect suppression based on different AOE distances. The first value is vs. enemy units, the second value is for friendly fire.

Fire Cone Angle

Tests Pending.

Tracking Vertical

The max and min values for vertical weapon movement.

Tracking Horizontal

The max and min values for horizontal weapon movement.

Speed Vertical

Speed of vertical tracking.

Speed Horizontal

Speed of horizontal tracking.

AA Weapon

If ture, the weapon can fire at air units.

Attack Ground

If true, the weapon can be used to target ground.


The type of projectile that is fired by this weapon. See Info:Projectiles for more information

Cover Table

Open Cover

So far there has been no evidence that this cover type is in use.

Target Table

Target Type

Target type is not the same as unit name, many units share the same target type.


Accuracy multiplier.


This accuracy multiplier is applied when the target is moving.


Damage multiplier.


Penetration multiplier.


Rear penetration multiplier. Since this is a multiplier the true value of rear penetration is (Penetration x Pen x R-Pen)


Suppression multiplier.


Weapon priority against this target type.