Thursday - November 5, 2009

Infantry:Luftwaffe Squad

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Luftwaffe Squad
Image:cmdr_pnze_luftwaffe_team.png Squad Size 5 Capture Rate 1 Sup Threshold 0.2
Health 275 Sight 35 Pin Threshold 0.6
Cost 350 Detection 7/0 Recovery Rate 0.008
Hotkey: Population 5
Time 75 Retreat Modifier 0.5 Target Type infantry
Upkeep 6.72 Reinforce Cost 0.5 Critical Type infantry
Squad Slots 4 Reinforce Time 1

   Luftwaffe Squad Veterancy



  • Luftwaffe Ground Forces can build the Flakvierling 38, and with a Doctrine upgrade, the 88mm Flak 36.
  • It is advisable to let your Luftwaffe Ground Forces pick up fallen weapons due to their weak firepower.
  • Luftwaffe Units are arguably the best units for manning fallen emplacements and weapons, due to their cheap reinforcement costs.
  • Use the Luftwaffe advanced repair wisely, keep them off the front lines and repairing damaged vehicles.


As losses mounted in the Eastern Front, the Heer (Regular Army) requested that the Luftwaffe transfer surplus personnel to bolster their manpower. Herman Göring, the head of the Luftwaffe, refused and instead ordered the formation of Luftwaffe Field Divisions that would be solely under his command. This hastily-raised infantry divisions were given only rudimentary training and suffered from equipment shortages. As a result, their performance was poor when they entered battle against Soviet forces. Some divisions were utterly destroyed, and those that were not wiped out were placed under the Heer's jurisdiction. By the time the Western Allies invaded Normandy, all the remaining Luftwaffe Field units were part of the Heer and assigned to defensive duties.

The Luftwaffe squad in Company of Heroes appears to be from a Flaksturmregiment (Anti-aircraft Assault Regiment), which were independent Luftwaffe Field units that provided anti-aircraft defense for other units.


   Luftwaffe Ground Forces


Called In Using

   Luftwaffe Ground Forces


Can Construct

   Barbed Wire


   Road Blocks


   Sand Bags


   Luftwaffe Flakvierling 38


   Panzer Elite 88mm Flak 36


Squad Abilities

   Advanced Repair




Squad Weapons

   Panzer Elite Kar98K Leader


   Luftwaffe Kar98K
