Friday - April 30, 2010


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Image:unit_allied_rifleman.png Squad Size 6 Capture Rate 1.5 Sup Threshold 0.2
Health 330 Sight 35 Pin Threshold 0.6
Cost 270 Detection 7/0 Recovery Rate 0.008
Hotkey: R Population 6
Time 36 Retreat Modifier 0.5 Target Type infantry
Upkeep 14.4 Reinforce Cost 0.6 Critical Type infantry
Squad Slots 5 Reinforce Time 1

   Riflemen Veterancy



  • M1 Garand and M1 Carbine are most effective at medium and close range against Wehrmacht Kar98k rifles.
  • Riflemen are versatile units that can deal with all kinds of threats, chose your upgrade carefully.
  • Global squad upgrades can be purchased from the barracks, all riflemen will receive the upgrades.
  • Grenades are good for clearing buildings, enemies in heavy cover and against groups of enemy infantry.
  • Sticky bombs can be used to disable vehicles, they are quite effective against light vehicles but it cannot destroy tanks effectively, only slow them down.
  • Suppression fire available after BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) upgrade can suppress enemy infantry squads very quickly.
  • Use BAR suppression and grenades in combination to give enemy infantry squads a very nasty surprise.
  • Make large groups of BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) rifleman squads are deadly against almost every other infantry group.
  • Always get your Riflemen to pick up dropped Panzershrecks as it will make your Riflemen deadly anti-tank infantry. If your Riflemen squad has a Panzershreck, throw a sticky bomb to slow down enemy tanks and destroy it with your Panzershreck. Bazooka, PIAT, and Recoilless Rifles aren't bad, but the Panzsershreck is the better choice.


Riflemen are a general use term for American infantry.

Built/Called In From




   Off-Map Combat Group


Can Construct

   American Observation Post


Squad Abilities

   Suppression Fire


   Throw Mk2 Grenade


   Throw Sticky Bomb


Squad Upgrades

   Sticky bombs


   Browning Automatic Rifle


   Mk2 Grenades


Squad Weapons

   M1 Carbine


   M1 Garand


   Sticky Bomb


   Browning Automatic Rifle


   Mk2 Grenade
