From CoH-Stats
| Squad Size
| 6
| Capture Rate
| 1.5
| Sup Threshold
| 0.2
| 330
| Sight
| 35
| Pin Threshold
| 0.6
| 270
| Detection
| 7/0
| Recovery Rate
| 0.008
Hotkey: R
| Population
| 6
| Time
| 36
| Retreat Modifier
| 0.5
| Target Type
| infantry
| Upkeep
| 14.4
| Reinforce Cost
| 0.6
| Critical Type
| infantry
| Squad Slots
| 5
| Reinforce Time
| 1
| [Expand][Hide]
| Accuracy Rec. Accuracy
| 1.25 0.8
| 8 Vet-Exp
| Accuracy Rec. Suppression Rec. Damage Sticky Range
| 1.1 0.75 0.85 6
| 16 Vet-Exp
| Accuracy Damage
| 1.2 1.5
| 32 Vet-Exp
- M1 Garand and M1 Carbine are most effective at medium and close range against Wehrmacht Kar98k rifles.
- Riflemen are versatile units that can deal with all kinds of threats, chose your upgrade carefully.
- Global squad upgrades can be purchased from the barracks, all riflemen will receive the upgrades.
- Grenades are good for clearing buildings, enemies in heavy cover and against groups of enemy infantry.
- Sticky bombs can be used to disable vehicles, they are quite effective against light vehicles but it cannot destroy tanks effectively, only slow them down.
- Suppression fire available after BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) upgrade can suppress enemy infantry squads very quickly.
- Use BAR suppression and grenades in combination to give enemy infantry squads a very nasty surprise.
- Make large groups of BAR (Browning Automatic Rifle) rifleman squads are deadly against almost every other infantry group.
- Always get your Riflemen to pick up dropped Panzershrecks as it will make your Riflemen deadly anti-tank infantry. If your Riflemen squad has a Panzershreck, throw a sticky bomb to slow down enemy tanks and destroy it with your Panzershreck. Bazooka, PIAT, and Recoilless Rifles aren't bad, but the Panzsershreck is the better choice.
Riflemen are a general use term for American infantry.
Built/Called In From
| [Expand][Hide]
| Health
| 500
| Target Type
| building
| 160 15
| Critical Type
| building
| 70
Hotkey: B
| Effects: Deploy Riflemen Squads and Jeeps from the Barracks. Also contains upgrades for the Riflemen. — See Structure:Barracks for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 800
| Activation
| targeted
| 0
| Target
| tp_any
| 40
| Effects: A small Reinforcement Division is available. — See Ability:Off-Map Combat Group for details.
Can Construct
| [Expand][Hide]
| Health
| 420
| Target Type
| building
| 200
| Critical Type
| light_building
| 50
Hotkey: P
| Effects: Secure Sectors, which increases Resource production of that Sector and prevents enemy units from capturing that Sector. — See Structure:American Observation Post for details.
Squad Abilities
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 40
| Activation
| timed
| 10
| Target
| tp_any
| 20
Hotkey: F
| Effects: Suppression Fire can pin Enemy Troops. — See Ability:Suppression Fire for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 25
| Activation
| targeted
| _
| Target
| tp_any
| 15
Hotkey: N
| Effects: The Squad will throw a Mk2 'Pineapple' Grenade. — See Ability:Throw Mk2 Grenade for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 35
| Activation
| targeted
| _
| Target
| tp_squad_entity
| 15
Hotkey: S
| Effects: Sticky Bombs are improvized Anti Tank weapons. — See Ability:Throw Sticky Bomb for details.
Squad Upgrades
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 80 25
| Time
| 45
Hotkey: S
| Effects: Equip Riflemen with improvized Anti Tank weapons. — See Upgrade:Sticky bombs for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 200 60
| Time
| 45
Hotkey: B
| Effects: Equip all Riflemen Squads with the BAR. Squads equipped with the BAR can use the Suppression Fire ability. — See Upgrade:Browning Automatic Rifle for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 100 40
| Time
| 45
Hotkey: N
| Effects: Equip Riflemen Squads with the Mk2 'Pineapple' grenade for flushing Enemy infantry out of cover, or attacking garrisoned Buildings. — See Upgrade:Mk2 Grenades for details.
Squad Weapons