From CoH-Stats
| Squad Size
| 6
| Capture Rate
| 1.25
| Sup Threshold
| 0.3
| 390
| Sight
| 35
| Pin Threshold
| 0.75
| 360
| Detection
| 7/0
| Recovery Rate
| 0.012
| Population
| 6
| Time
| 45
| Retreat Modifier
| 0.5
| Target Type
| infantry_elite
| Upkeep
| 17.28
| Reinforce Cost
| 0.75
| Critical Type
| infantry
| Squad Slots
| 6
| Reinforce Time
| 1
| [Expand][Hide]
| Accuracy Rec. Accuracy Fire Up Recharge
| 1.15 0.8 -15
| 12 Vet-Exp
| Cooldown Rec. Suppression Rec. Accuracy Fire Up Recharge
| 0.75 0.75 0.9 -15
| 24 Vet-Exp
| Accuracy Damage Fire Up Recharge
| 1.2 1.5 -15
| 44 Vet-Exp
- Rangers can only be used with the Infantry Company.
- Rangers are special infantry units that can handle many threats.
- The Bazooka is the worst infantry anti-tank weapon, it has low penetration and high scatter.
- An effective way to use the Rangers' Bazooka is to go close to the enemy tanks, fire up and hit the Tank in its weaker rear armor.
- The Thompson SMG is a very good weapon upgrade for 100 Munitions. Rangers upgraded with Thompsons can quickly demolish any infantry squad they engage at close range.
- "Fire Up!" can be used to overcome suppression and flank around the enemy.
- Grenades can be purchased from the barracks, the Ranger grenades are the same kind employed by Rifle Squads.
- Rangers can not pick up enemy weapons (Panzerschrecks, MG42 LMG, Bazooka etc.) if upgraded with Thompson SMGs.
- Build a Triage Center to keep your Rangers in full health
In 1942, the American Army decided that they needed an elite unit like the British commandos. The Rangers had intense training, with live ammo, long hikes, and other hard exercises. One of the most famous Ranger operations was the Pointe du Hoc raid on June 6, 1944. The Rangers were sent to attack Pointe du Hoc, which was an artillery battery with six 155mm cannons with a range of 25,000 yards. These guns could shoot at both Utah and Omaha beaches, which would have really messed up the Allied invasion (even more so). The guns had been moved but they were found and destroyed.
Called In Using
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 400
| Activation
| targeted
| 0
| Target
| tp_any
| 40
| Effects: Call in a Squad of Rangers. — See Ability:Call In Rangers for details.
Squad Abilities
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 5
| Activation
| timed
| 15
| Target
| tp_any
| 90
Hotkey: F
| Effects: While Fired-Up, Squads are less prone to Suppression and move faster for a short time. — See Ability:Fire Up for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 25
| Activation
| targeted
| _
| Target
| tp_any
| 15
Hotkey: N
| Effects: The Squad will throw a Mk2 'Pineapple' Grenade. — See Ability:Throw Mk2 Grenade for details.
Squad Upgrades
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 100 40
| Time
| 45
Hotkey: N
| Effects: Equip Riflemen Squads with the Mk2 'Pineapple' grenade for flushing Enemy infantry out of cover, or attacking garrisoned Buildings. — See Upgrade:Mk2 Grenades for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 100
| Time
| 30
Hotkey: U
| Effects: Equip your Rangers with the Thompson SMG. — See Upgrade:Thompson SMG for details.
Squad Weapons