From CoH-Stats
Infantry Section
| Squad Size
| 5
| Capture Rate
| 1
| Sup Threshold
| 0.25
| 325
| Sight
| 35
| Pin Threshold
| 0.65
| 450
| Detection
| 7/0
| Recovery Rate
| 0.008
Hotkey: I
| Population
| 5
| Time
| 37.5
| Retreat Modifier
| 0.25
| Target Type
| infantry_soldier
| Upkeep
| 7.512
| Reinforce Cost
| 0.3889
| Critical Type
| infantry
| Squad Slots
| 5
| Reinforce Time
| 1.25
| [Expand][Hide]
| Movement Speed
| Infantry
| Non-stackable
| +1
| 0 Vet-Exp
| Weapon Accuracy
| Infantry
| Non-stackable
| x1.15
| 0 Vet-Exp
| Weapon Damage
| Infantry
| Non-stackable
| x1.025
| 0 Vet-Exp
| Weapon Damage
| Infantry
| Stackable
| x1.125
| 0 Vet-Exp
| Weapon Accuracy
| Infantry
| Non-stackable
| X1.15
| 30 Vet-Exp
| Weapon Cooldown
| Infantry
| Non-stackable
| x0.75
| 30 Vet-Exp
| Weapon Reload
| Infantry
| Non-stackable
| x0.9
| 30 Vet-Exp
| Weapon damage
| Infantry
| Non-stackable
| X1.025
| 30 Vet-Exp
| Weapon Cooldown
| Infantry
| Stackable
| x0.9
| 30 Vet-Exp
| Maximum Health
| Self
| N/A
| +15
| 12 Vet-Exp
| unlock "Heroic Charge"
| Self
| N/A
| 12 Vet-Exp
| Received Accuracy
| Self
| N/A
| x0.9
| 30 Vet-Exp
| Command Point
| Player
| N/A
| +80 Command Exp (Equivalent to 1 Command Point)
| 54 Vet-Exp
| Population Cap
| Player
| N/A
| +4 Population Cap
| 54 Vet-Exp
- Versatile infantry which compose the majority of your British army. They can construct early building emplacements and trenches. They can be upgraded with:
- A Recon Element which allows the squad to have better capping ability as they can move faster without the need for a Lieutenant. In addition, they have the ability to use a sniper shot which is invaluable in many situations. Upgrading to the Recon Element also reduces the fighting ability of the Tommy squad below that of an unupgraded one.
- The Bren LMG boosts the anti-infantry fighting ability of your Infantry sections and can deal with most Panzer Elite vehicle threats.
- Note: Bren LMG's only work when your Infantry Section is immobile. Whenever you send them to fight an enemy, use the attack-move command.
- Rifle-grenades are useful for attacking garrisoned buildings, trenches, and units in cover. They are also effective against clustered enemy units. Use the smoke canisters on the area around an enemy MG in order to greatly reduce its suppression on your Infantry Section.
- british units, excluding the Lieutenant, captain, and command tank, do not gain veterancy. Any experiences earned from kills by infantry are transfered to nearby officers.
- Always have a Lieutenant close by, not only to increase the effectiveness(+~15% accuracy & +~15% damage from a vet0 Lieutenant) of your troops, but also so that he can gain veterancy.
Infantry Sections are a general use term for British infantry squads.
Built From
| [Expand][Hide]
| Health
| 1000
| Population
| 0
| 500 50
| Max Speed
| 3
| 90
| Target Type
| hqs_mobile
| Effects: The Headquarters Command Truck constructs basic units and creates supplied territory when it is set up. — See Vehicle:Headquarters Command Truck for details.
Squad Abilities
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 25
| Activation
| targeted
| _
| Target
| tp_entity_and_squad_entity
| 25
Hotkey: D
| Effects: A trained marksman will deliver a single fatal shot to infantry units in the open or garrisoned in buildings or vehicles. — See Ability:Deploy Marksman for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 25
| Activation
| targeted
| 20
| Target
| tp_squad_entity
| 40
Hotkey: V
| Effects: Accurate fire from the Bren machine gun can shatter weapon sights, vision blocks, drive wheels, and stun enemy crews. — See Ability:Button Enemy Vehicle for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 35
| Activation
| targeted
| _
| Target
| tp_position
| 30
Hotkey: S
| Effects: Rifle grenadiers will fire a few smoke rounds to provide cover for nearby troops, or mask enemy emplacements. — See Ability:Rifle Smoke Grenade for details.
Squad Upgrades
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 35
| Time
| 20
Hotkey: E
| Effects: Upgrades to a faster moving, but more lightly armed recon squad; also adds a well trained marksman. — See Upgrade:Recon Element for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 75
| Time
| 25
Hotkey: N
| Effects: The infantry section will upgrade their rifles to enable them to fire grenades. — See Upgrade:Rifle Grenades for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 75
| Time
| 30
Hotkey: M
| Effects: The Bren Light Machine Gun adds much needed firepower to the Infantry Section and also enables them to slow enemy vehicles with accurate fire. — See Upgrade:Bren Light Machine Gun for details.
Squad Weapons