From CoH-Stats
| Squad Size
| 6
| Capture Rate
| 1.25
| Sup Threshold
| 0.2
| 420
| Sight
| 35
| Pin Threshold
| 0.6
| 375
| Detection
| 7/0
| Recovery Rate
| 0.008
| Population
| 6
| Time
| 90
| Retreat Modifier
| 0.5
| Target Type
| infantry_airborne
| Upkeep
| 17.28
| Reinforce Cost
| 0.72
| Critical Type
| infantry
| Squad Slots
| 4
| Reinforce Time
| 1
| [Expand][Hide]
| Accuracy Received Accuracy Fire Up Recharge
| 1.15 0.8 -15
| 8 Vet-Exp
| Cooldown Rec. Suppression Rec. Damage Fire Up Recharge
| 0.75 0.75 0.85 -15
| 16 Vet-Exp
| Accuracy Damage Fire Up Recharge
| 1.2 1.5 -15
| 32 Vet-Exp
- Paratroopers can only be used with the Airborne Doctrine.
- Paratroopers can be dropped and reinforced anywhere on the battle field, they can be used to raid enemy bases or resource points.
- Paratroopers are very vulnerable to anti-air weapons while dropping. Under no circumstances should you drop paratroopers in the immediate proximity of a Wirbelwind Flak Panzer, Ostwind Flakpanzer, or Puma armored cars.
- Fire up can be used to overcome suppression and flank around the enemy.
- Recoilless rifles are very accurate anti-tank weapons with high penetration against most tanks and vehicles.
- Satchel charges make short work of garrisoned structures and light vehicles, but their 5 second fuse gives an alert enemy plenty of time to withdraw or retreat.
- Keep an eye on your Paratroopers, They are pretty weak unsupported and expensive to reinforce.
- Build a Triage Center to keep Paratroopers alive.
Airborne forces are military units, usually light infantry, set up to be moved by aircraft and 'dropped' into battle. Thus they can be placed behind enemy lines, and have an ability to deploy almost anywhere with little warning. The formations are limited only by the number and size of their aircraft, so given enough capacity a huge force can appear "out of nowhere" in minutes, an action referred to as vertical envelopment.
Conversely, airborne forces typically lack the supplies and equipment for prolonged combat operations, and are therefore more suited for airhead operations than long-term occupation; furthermore, parachute operations are particularly sensitive to adverse weather conditions. Advances in helicopter technology since World War II have brought increased flexibility to the scope of airborne operations, and helicopters have largely replaced large-scale parachute operations, and (almost) completely replaced combat glider operations. However, due to the limited range of helicopters and the limited number of troops that can be transported by them many countries retain Paratroopers as a valuable strategic asset.
In Company of Heroes, the Airborne division featured in game may be the 101st Airborne Division, due to their motto "Screaming Eagles."
Called In Using
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 375
| Activation
| targeted
| 0
| Target
| tp_position
| 40
| Effects: A Squad of well-armed and highly-trained Paratroopers will paradrop onto the ordered location. — See Ability:Airborne Infantry for details.
Squad Abilities
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 5
| Activation
| timed
| 15
| Target
| tp_any
| 90
Hotkey: F
| Effects: While Fired-Up, Squads are less prone to Suppression and move faster for a short time. — See Ability:Fire Up for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 50
| Activation
| targeted
| _
| Target
| tp_entity_and_position
| 30
Hotkey: S
| Effects: Satchel Charges are bundles of explosives that do heavy damage against Buildings, but can be thrown at Vehicles or Infantry. — See Ability:Throw Satchel Charge for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 25
| Activation
| targeted
| _
| Target
| tp_any
| 15
Hotkey: N
| Effects: The Squad will throw a Mk2 'Pineapple' Grenade. — See Ability:Throw Mk2 Grenade for details.
Squad Upgrades
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 100 40
| Time
| 45
Hotkey: N
| Effects: Equip Riflemen Squads with the Mk2 'Pineapple' grenade for flushing Enemy infantry out of cover, or attacking garrisoned Buildings. — See Upgrade:Mk2 Grenades for details.
| [Expand][Hide]
| Cost
| 125
| Time
| 45
Hotkey: O
| Effects: Equip Paratroopers with the M18 57mm AT Recoilless Rifle to provide an effective counter to Vehicles and hardened Structures. — See Upgrade:M18 57mm Recoilless Rifle for details.
Squad Weapons